Project Partners
This project (2020-1-DE02-KA227-ADU-008174) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The pupils will confront the difficulties of using new media
for highly sensitive sound projects. They will learn to apply software and
hardware which is necessary in order to reduce latency in transmission of sound.
They will learn how to play musical instruments either in pairs or in bands and
how to arrange sound tracks for recordings and for hybrid concerts (online
streaming + being on stage) using digital media.
The drama group students will learn
- how to write a creative stage play
- how to arrange content for a movie
- how to record/film the scenes
- how to use technical equipment
- how to cut the movie + trailors and subtitles
- how to choose the right music for individual scenes
- how to keep legal aspects into consideration
All the students (and the teachers/trainers) will learn how to communicate in
English or another language which is not the mother tongue.
They will also learn to profit from not being able to meet personally using
efficient strategies for online-media.
The contact teachers in the project management group will meet regularly in
video-conferences. If COVID-19 allows it, we will also have physical meetings.
This will be the steering group.
here will also be practical groups
- the drama group in Berlin and Izmir
- the four hand piano groups in Berlin, Paris and Isafjördur (Iceland)
- the band groups in Berlin, Barcelona, Paris and Izmir
All groups will try out as many online media as possible and give feedback to
the ones who are in charge of the compendium.
Time scheme:
1 - Kick-off (March 21)
2 - Summer band concert (June 21)
3 - Teaching + Summer band concert (Aug 21)
4 - 4-hand piano concert (Nov 21)
5 - 4 .. piano concert (March 22)
6 - Evaluation and Improvement, Presentation of Video + Band concert (Jun 22)
7 - Teaching + Summer band concert (Aug 22)
8 - 4 .. piano concert (Nov 22)
9 - Final Meeting, Dissemination (Jan 23)
10 - Encore - Concert (Feb 23)
1 - A compendium (padlet, website, newsleeter, ...) on how to use digital media
for music, drama and language classes online and technical specifications
2 - A feature movie created by students from Izmir and Berlin
3 - A making-of film documentation of the project
4 - Three 4-hand piano concerts
5 - 6 band concerts (on stage + streaming)
6 - a group of music, drama, language and electrical engineering teachers who
will go on cooperating online
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them..